Monday, June 05, 2006

the straight of the union revisited

this is a post i wrote back in april- and in the spirit of the gay amendment proposal farce- this is the only remark i am going to make. i won't dignify the whole sham with any more comment.

why are christians so interested in sex? now, in all fairness, i am sure other religions are interested in sex too, but since christians have cornered the values market in america, i guess i just assumed they had cornered sex too. i mean why else would god directly indicate to our moral leader, pat robertson, to ask a stranger with asthma about her sex life in order to cure her? why else would there be a furor over gay families standing in line to participate in the annual spring rite of passage- the white house easter egg roll? (by the way- nice pot leaf new york times).

for years, i have struggled to understand the big problem with gay people. why is it such a big deal that 2 people who happen to be the same sex want to live together in a relationship and be a couple? why would that be a big deal to any children they may have? the only reason i can come up with is- christians, in particular, are perverts. it really seems to be that religious group who thinks about what it means for 2 gay people to have sex with each other. that seems to be the real issue isn't it? it's gross to see 2 people of the same sex kissing or holding hands- or imagining them having sex. i say, sure, if you were raised with judeo-christian/puritan values. secular folks don't seem to have a problem keeping their minds out of other people's bedrooms. maybe it's all the porn that christians are downloading.

now, the religious groups will say- 'it isn't natural. marriage is between men and women only to produce a family.' in fact, our fearless leader of christian values, george ( because i say so) w. bush, pushed for a marriage amendment to the constitution. i think that that was the most attention he paid to the united states constitution and the bill of rights in his term thus far. i say- come on up and join the rest of the western world in the 21st century. we, as a country, have had birth control and freedom to choose for decades. the family thing isn't an excuse anymore. not to mention the population issues the world has already. most people in america today don't spend the majority of their time wondering what heterosexual people do in bed and i suspect that the novelty of gay sex is wearing off too.

my thought on the whole thing is that marriage is a religious thing. people get married in the church. they have civil services performed by a justice of the peace. let's legalize civil unions for everyone and let the churches decide who they will marry. let's stop imagining what our neighbors are doing in their bedrooms and homes and concentrate on what is going on in ours- we know that we have enough problems to deal with. let's pretend that we have evolved into civilized human beings and stop the discrimination of people who live differently than we do. let's stop thinking that we are better than other people when there are plenty of skeletons in our own closets. let's make a world where gays don't have to live in their's.


shawn (aka blogstud) said...

Way to go, Betmo! Excellent post. I have wondered myself why it is such a big deal, and why if it is Biblical, do they not enforce other laws, not Commandments, mind you, but other laws in the Bible. Such as not eating pork, some people don't, but how about bank accounts? Nope, that is a sin. How many of us posting and reading blogs have bank accounts? Probably all of us.
Why are some Biblical laws more important? The Bible is full of laws and you do not see people out trying to pass amendments to a lot of other things.

This is also one reason why I am certain that justice and equal rights will prevail eventually. What stake do those who are now able to legally marry really have in all this? Nothing really. Equal marriage rights will not affect them in any way. But those of us who do not have equal marriage rights truly have something to fight for and I am sure we will continue until we are treated equally.

Anonymous said...

Inigo B. Montoya, a swashbuckler of your skill not only swashs with th'best o'th' buckles, she also wields a fierce an'mighty keyboard!

If we play dodgeball, will ye be on my side?

billie said...

aye! t'would be an honor cap'n.

Anonymous said...

just this past weekend, my husband and i had a discussion about legalizing gay marriages,and i came up with the same thought as you. leave "marriage"to the religious groups and put legally binding "contracts" in the hands of lawyers. to be honest, i'm not sure why the government needs to be involved at all. doesn't government have enough other pressing issues to concern itself with?? care...graft among our elected leaders...