Friday, June 02, 2006

question of the day...

what branch of the republican party do the anti-jihadists and anti-mexicans come from? i have been reading some republican blogs- there are as many facets to that party as the dems- and i don't know if these folks are conservatives, neo-cons, religious right, or just plain repubs. what i do know is- they don't like arabs or mexicans. now, before anyone gets their knickers in a knot- yes, i am saying that these people are as short-sighted and bigoted as the extreme left. oh- i forgot misogynistic. my question is: why is islam or radical islam any worse than the christian religious crap we have here in the west? i am thinking about posting a comment or two to that effect on their blogs too but i don't like to do things in the heat of anger. seriously, what makes this country feel or think that we- who invaded their country and went into the middle east in the first place for their black gold-are any better than them? they bombed our country. yeah, and? they have been blowing up other countries for decades and we just now get our knickers in a knot because they dared to come here- on our soil? i mean really folks who the hell are we that we are so special that we think that we are untouchable? i am not demeaning or making light of the innocents that were killed on 9/11. that is not the intent or the point. my point is- we are a nation just like any other nation on the planet. not any better or worse- just different. yes, we are a democracy(or used to be) but so are other countries. we have just as many problems and the same problems as anywhere else on the planet- we just grew up believing that we were somehow better than any other nation on the planet. that is prejudiced, bigoted and just plain wrong. we are(were?) a great nation- but we are no longer a world superpower so get over it and move on.


Spadoman said...

Ok Betmo.....I think I get your point and your question. The fact is, "we" is the problem. When people accept all other people as human beings and not separate via color, race, religious, (or lack of), beliefs and National affiliation, then, and only then will there be peace.

Countries have been fighting wars for all time for differences in the items mentioned above. Add to that greed for natural resources and power over others.

It's the guy in the blue shirt, not the Black guy. It's the women in the green dress, not the Asian. It's the person suffering from bombing in their village, not the Muslim. It's the fellow with the crutch not the invalid.

Four directions, North, South, East and West. Four seasons, Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. Four colors of man, Black, Red, Yellow and White. No coincidence. Think as one, not as we and they.

dawn said...

Betmo as I see it islam or radical islam is worse then we. They live in a world that is so far back in time that americans can't comprehend there life. There treatment of their women is disgraceful. I lived through 9/11 and from my office I see the empire state building everyday and it scares me to think that people in the name of god would fly a plane into my building. I think really if woman ran the world their would be none of this and a much better place.

billie said...

dawn- i agree with you about women running things. as for christians being better than muslims- nah. if you listen to any of the evangelicals- they are constantly preaching that women should be home having babies and doing what their men tell them. we have high domestic violence rates in this country as well. as for us bombing a country in the name of god- looks like we're doing it- and it isn't even the country of origin of the radical folks. we attacked a secular country where women were teachers and lawyers and doctors. i know that you are near ground zero. my husband has family there too but we musn't react to the rhetoric of fear because that is what is being used to take us to the place where the radical islamists are- theocracies and totalitarian governments. now- you might argue that not all christians are radical and treat their wives in that capacity as i stated above. well, not all muslims do either. we can't let our fear of a few dictate our treatment of all- that is what our civil rights movement here was all about.