Tuesday, June 06, 2006

not getting it

someone on the right kindly explain to me- cause i must be obtuse- why you all are so radically opposed to the militant islamists and are not the least bit concerned about the right wing zealot christians right here in america who want to take your freedoms away? while the obvious reason is that one group wants to blow us up and the other wants a borg nation- why aren't your panties in a bunch about them wanting to erode the constitution? is it because these people look like you so they aren't a threat? newsflash- just because they aren't unkempt and wild looking doesn't mean they aren't a danger. anyway- my question stands- why isn't the right concerned about the zealots in this country?


Anonymous said...

Arrrgh, Sappho be right because they'd be bitin' their own hand!

Frank Partisan said...

For them being secular stops at Islam.

Actually the neocons are not too comfortable with the Falwells etc. It is different politics.

The team member on my blog, Maryam Namazie, is against religion taught to minors, and closing religious schools that teach children.

Mike K said...

The Neocons are interested in turning the United States into a fascist regime. They need organized religion to persuade enough of the voting block to support them. Most of the people who hold high positions in these Christian organizations either do not believe in the stuff or believe they are above it. I guess it all comes down to the classic evils: money and power.

Dardin Soto said...

far be ir for me to speak for the right wing (jeez...i'm just a little ol' libertarian, does that count?) but since nobody has stepped up to bat here I'm taking a swing of the louisville slugger....
Its the "wolf in sheep's clothing" analogy. Things that are cosmetically non-abrassive have an easier time with acceptance in the American mind-set than things un-clean, un-kept and unknown... its just that simple to me.
Secondly, this country being breast-fed on the vestiges of Christianity since it's inception tends to give quarter and leniency to the fringe element in their own midst. Sort of like saying,... "well don't kill the messenger's method, the message is valid"...
People fear the unknown,.. man I was just pointing this out in my blog as it refers to the gay issue. Most people of religious servitude don't even TRY to understand homosexuality due to the fear that they may actually find out it is not the bogey-man lifestyle painted by men of the cloth.
It takes a certain kind of leap of faith to accept differences, to accept lifestyles foreign to one's own,...
Unfortunately for us, most faith is selective in its breath-scope, not blind as it should be.
I doubt I helped the conservative view as seen by the right-wing,.. but this is my kind of conservatism.