Saturday, June 03, 2006

my set of ten

thanks to quaker dave and martyn for proposing the 'life's simple pleasures' idea. i like it.

my set of life's simple pleasures

1. talking politics with my mother
2. sleeping beside my husband every night
3. smelling spring air after a long winter
4. eating a slice of fresh baked bread
5. learning something new about life and people every day
6. sending presents to friends and family
7. reading a good piece of literature
8. listening to elvis
9. sitting on the couch with my cat isaac
10. feeling contented and happy at the end of the day


Dardin Soto said...

1. My daughter's cute morning breath when she jumps on me to wake up...
2. Reading, period. Anything, even the advertisements. Pure adiction.
3. The History, Discovery, Bravo and A&E channels. I don't watch much TV, but when I do, it rarely gets out of that foursome.
4. Playing a new Les Paul electric guitar through a Dumble point to point soldered amp. Blissful...
5. Finding a hidden gem of a website, something totally unexpected that makes me go "wow"!
6. Re-connecting with my east-coast family as I have been doing for most of the years.
7. Writing,.. is there a better stress relief activity?
8. Inmersing myself in a few of my music programs and pretending that I really do write good stuff....
9. Photography,... the old fashioned way, film, 35mm, real lenses... kodachrome (slides, remember those?)
10. Being in love with the most amazing person a man could ever meet. Iris, I am the luckiest nerd in history to have you...

Anonymous said...

1. Knowing that I made someone smile
2. sleeping beside my A.J. every night
3. smelling spring air after a long winter or smiellin' th'crisp air o'winter after a hot summer/fall
4. eating a slice of fresh baked bread
7. reading a good piece of literature
5. Knowin' that th'animals at th'clinic may not love me all th'time, but are grateful for me help
6. bein' a lesbian pirate queen
7. Knowin' me children love me
8. listening to elvis or kd lang
9. sitting out on th'lawn with me 5 dogs, 8 cats, 7 chickens an' 2 ducks.
10. feeling contented and happy at the end of the day

billie said...

cap'n, do you live at the clinic? 5 dogs, 8 cats, 7 chickens and 2 ducks? is your ship really cap'n's ark? :)

Martyn said...

Hi Betmo - thanks for the mention and for having a go at the MeMe. I particularly like your number 10.

Anonymous said...

Me Inigo, I truly live where there be that many animals--an' it's not at th'clinic...

Th'ship definately needs an animal wrangler, but Lady Croft has been busy lately...;)