Monday, June 12, 2006

i guess i can't believe this

i am currently watching on a and e- the first annual- wait for it- rock, paper, scissors championship. winner gets $50,ooo large. i haven't figured out if they are putting over on the viewers or not. so far, it is looking real. and i thought that fox had crap shows. sweet jesus.


Anonymous said...

Oh, it's real, for big bucks.

This is also real :

A judge got so frustrated with two opposing attorneys arguing in front of him "so childlike" that he ordered them to play rock, paper, sissors to decide the argument.

That's a judges order, they will go to prison if they don't comply.

I saw the two attorneys interviewed on MSNBC. The attorneys said they thought it was a GOOD way to settle the dispute.


billie said...

i can't believe that i watched the whole program. sometimes i just shake my head. if it was a fun show it would have been different. unfortunately, it was like watching paint dry or football on tv. much more fun to actually play.