Wednesday, June 14, 2006

here's a question...

why do americans still see repubs as better at fighting terrorism? it isn't like they have done a great job. homeland security hasn't made the homeland any more secure and the fighting in the middle east has produced more terrorists between america and israel. can someone please explain this to me 'cause i am not getting it.


Anonymous said...

Betmo! We're DRUNK! That's our problem. If it isn't alcohol, it's Jesus. If it isn't Jesus, it's consumption. More likely, it's all the above.

But the poll did say that only 30% of their respondents said "Republicans deserve to stay in charge". I just wish the other 70% wanted the government abolished....

billie said...

ok- but we can't be drunk all of the time can we? are there no moments of lucidity? are we in denial or just plain stupid?

Dardin Soto said...

What is the only measurement of success that we can objectively say is proof or non-proof that the Administration has had success fighting terrorism post 9/11?
Zero attacks on the homeland. Zero. None at at malls, stations, schools, beaches, airports,... Zero. I know the arguments,.. Al Qaeda es re-loading and attacks take years to plan.... tell it to the populace. When the chips are donw, and the security moms look at the score sheet... they see no attacks on their children since 9/11. That is the biggest stat the Bush Admin can shoot down any anti Homeland Security argument.
Couple that with the well publicized FBI raids in Buffalo and Lodi against Muslim cells.....
Im not making an argument for the Administration, I'm just telling your from the context of your question. Impressions are everything in politics and the American Psyche. This is a classic case of people holding their noses and saying "you know, i hate the bastard but he really has kept the bastards at bay...."

billie said...

tp- i know that isn't the best explanation that you can come up with. based on the 9/11 commission report- we are relying on just plain luck here. our infrastructure is still wide open with our energy, food, and water supplies vulnerable. our airport security still lacks and the fbi focuses on attempting to dig up a dead guy from 30 years ago. canada has protected us more than our own homeland security has. yes- they rounded up a couple of batches of arabs and said that they were cells. i don't know at this point whether or not to believe them. you have to do better than that to convince me- but apparently not the general population.

Dardin Soto said...

that is exactly my point Betmo,... you and I are better read than the majority of the populace. We can dig for further facts etc... the rest of the people just go by the visceral knee-jerk isms of whatever it is they read in the morning papers and what they see as a pretty safe and normal life. I was not trying to give you MY opinion or best explanantion on the myth of Rebubs being better at security than the Demos. I think the majority of every day non-in-the-loop-of-things citizens don't even know that a 9/11 commission report even exists!

billie said...

i wish you were kidding- i know that you are probably not. either that- or these people listen to hannity and limbaugh.

Laurie said...

Betmo, are you high? Look at all the progress we've made in Iraq! Think about all the al Qaeda operatives we've killed! We're almost at the finish line, according to the personnel on the ground! It's that liberal pot you're smoking--you just don't want to admit our success. You love terrorists.