Sunday, June 18, 2006

here's my 'plan'

i use that term loosely because i have an idea of where i want to go- but as with most things- this undertaking has taken me to places i didn't know about or didn't plan on going. i have been delving into the world of globalization, world powers, influence groups, international corporations, secret policy groups, and all of the continents except antarctica(and i may end up there after i am done.) anyhoo- i am thinking about having a series to handle all of the info i have found- but i guess i should use this as the introduction to my theory.

my theory is this: american politics have changed. this back and forth- right versus left- is meaningless because whether you are right or left- the corporate and financial world are running the show. not just in america- but globally. there are several powerful groups that set world policy- and governments send representatives to these groups and then the governments work together. american government is pretty powerful- and they definitely have their own agenda- hence the domestic spying, etc. i think that we can combat it- but it will take being able to focus on the real issues and stop reacting to everything out there- and stop reacting to the smokescreen issues. left/right politics is over from the old school- this is new politics and a new world that we are looking at- we have to adapt- or lose. we really only have a one party system in this country- corporate- and we had better wake up to that in order to change it.

so- i will be looking at many things- raising probably more questions than i have answers and hopefully we can find some of the answers. now- i have to get writing :)


Anonymous said...

I think, perhaps, you're right. I see plenty of people on both the right wing and the left wing tear into each other and call each other names like "whiny liberal douchebag" and "neo-con fascist", and it's saddening. The divide between people in politics is deep and hurtful.

The Future Was Yesterday said...

We concur on the Corporations. Have you ever noticed we can fight over something forever, as long as it doesn't affect the company's? But if it does affect them....the problem seems to sink out of public view, and get settled in back rooms.

The red and blue divide can be laid squarely at the feet of Newt Gingrich in 1995, as he rode the extreme religious radicals to power. The hatred started when they arrived, it will end when they are removed from this planet.

billie said...

gingrich is planning on a presidential run in '08. if the dems don't get their heads out of their asses and develop a real platform- he just may win. they have updated the 'contract for america' and i have no doubt that they want to hold on to their power.

Dardin Soto said...

Unhappy American:

"The hatred started when they arrived, it will end when they are removed from this planet"...

nice.... just beautiful. There is a lot of love in that comment....

Is removing someone from the planet not a form of hate?... "the hatred started when "they" arrived"..? Who put "them" in power? You ever wonder why Clinton lost a democratic Congress for the first time in 48 years?...

With all due respect (and more so knowing you have a deeper wound than most of us will ever know) you comment is hypocritical in content and blatantly calloused in its delivery....I just happen to be one of "those" in 94' (regardless of being of different opinion now)... to paint me with your fat brush is as narrow-minded as your view on the opposition.
I'm embarrased to even reply to such a comment.

Dardin Soto said...

Will all due respect to the hostess, Im surprised you let that comment go unchecked. I admire "Life's journey" for both the content of its postings and the discipline of taking on deep-meaning subjects (like the globalization one I am just about to munch on..) instead of bellowing to the choir like a million other blogs do.
As much as both both our blogs have been harking on the vitriol... we should follow up with pounding down crap like that. Not censureship mind you, just keeping things consistent. How can we on one hand rail against the hate of the left and right, the pundits etc... while turning a blind ear to vitriol in our own blogs?.....

billie said...

tp- while i hear what you are saying- i don't censor unless remarks are directed at a particular person or just plain profane for no reason. we may not like what people are saying- but they have a right to say it.

Dardin Soto said...

And they have every right to say it,.. I agree. Censorship is not my meaning nor an option.
Sometimes (and maybe you are of a different mind) if one avoids commenting on a particular verviabe like that one, then by inference and avoidance we may give the immpression of agreeing with what they say.
BTW, I guess i should say that the pre-globalization posting is terrific. I read the other one last night. Ill comment when i get back from first day of work :)

Dardin Soto said...

here is a different type of blog for you. I believe the chap is center right, he of British/American blood i think.

PLEASE read his "part of the plan" posting. This guy is one of the best writers and thought-engineers Ive read so far. I wish I could put word to pen as he can.
I will send you my center-right blog roll for your interest.
Thanks for dropping by this morning:)

billie said...

i actually ran into his blog last night as i was 'trolling' for right leaning sites to read. small world i guess. :)