Monday, June 19, 2006

constitution monday

i have successfully posted the entire constitution, bill of rights and declaration of independence on life's journey. most people don't realize that they are 3 separate documents- although the bill of rights is part of the constitution- and lump these documents together. i will continue to post the links to these documents in the hope that people will read them often and truly understand them and what they say. don't take them for granted because we are in a precarious position at this time in our history. if you truly love america and value our way of life, learn these documents and fight for them.

the constitution of the united states of america
the bill of rights
the declaration of independence


Spadoman said...

You are truly doing a service to your country. You really are!

I'll copy them, if you don't mind, and post these in my shop. I'll certainly tell my customers that they were posted, by a friend, to remind all Americans what it is we're suppose to be doing.


billie said...

they are free to everyone through the national archives website- nara.

Sarah said...
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Sarah said...
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Sarah said...

Sorry about that betmo, my first two posts did not come out the way I wanted them to - let me try again:

It should be noted that Jefferson's original draft of the Declaration made no reference to a Creator. Most scholars believe that either Adams or Franklin put in the reference. Both of these individuals were much more religious than Jefferson, who was an outright infidel by today's standards.

Plus, the only thing the Declaration does is "declare" the separation of the colonies from England. It makes no religious statment.

To back up what I already knew:

Many people in this country take the Declaration of Independence out of context to achieve other political agendas.

Our rights are outlined in The Constitution - a document that has no direct reference to a higher power.

Dardin Soto said...

nice.... leave it to my man Publius to stir the pot :)
Great comment Pub, great retort Sarah.

Spadoman said...

I don't think I need to ask publius "what's yer point?"

Sarah seems to have nailed the coffin shut. Bravo!

Funny though, the way some,( I am NOT pointing my finger at publius here), twist someone elses words to have a meaning that they want it to have. This is done with the Bible as well. Different individuals and religions will read a sentence and give the meaning by their own definition.

I don't believe I was there when these documents were drafted. All must agree that the circumstances have certainly changed here in this country. Do we know if they, the original writers, thought we'd be attacking another country for a perceived threat, for example?

What I believe is that when these men met in a session to solve a problem in their world as they perceived it, these documents were the result of their efforts.

It is the ideology, not the verbatum, that we must trust in.

For example, a friend of mine states the "Pledge" of allegiance this way:

I Pledge Alligence to the Constitution of the United States of America. And to the Republic for which it guarantees, One Nation, Undeniable, with Liberty, Truth, and Justice for All.

In my opinion, anyone who thinks they know what someone meant by words in these documents, that were written 200 or so years ago, about today's world problems, would probably be mistaken.