Thursday, June 22, 2006

brave conservative

rep. john duncan, jr from tennessee-

" Surely, war should be the last thing that should become partisan.

Yet 80 percent of the House Republicans, including me, voted against the bombings in Bosnia and Kosovo when President Clinton was in the White House. I believe 80 percent of Republicans would have opposed the war in Iraq if it had been started by President Clinton or Gore, and probably almost all the Democrats would have then been supporting it, as they did the bombings in Bosnia and Kosovo."


Anonymous said...

The Clintonoids were leading the sanctions AND the constant bombing! They did support it (although some have criticized them for not nuking Iraq, which they sort of did anyway with DU). Same old same old

No said...

Hey, Betmo!!!

How are ya?

The Future Was Yesterday said...

The hoth sad, and scary part is, he's entirely right! War has became just another political tool.

Mary said...

TUA (as usual) hit the nail on the head.

Dardin Soto said...

Betmo, thats a good quote. I'm surprised it was a Republican thought.... who does he think he is? Sounding reasonable, intelligent and (dare i say it) honest....