Tuesday, May 02, 2006

setting the record straight...

it has occurred to me that many people feel that my opinions are stereotypical and perhaps not grounded in any kind of reality. i would like to set the record straight. when i have an opinion, it is usually not a knee-jerk reaction like this one. i read quite a bit and i talk to a variety of different people first. i enjoy knowing a bit about a variety of topics and make it my business to do so. it makes for good conversation and discussion- and i am always open to new ideas- even ones that differ from mine. i enjoy debate and although i may not agree with you- i like to hear different perspectives.

the issue of stereotypes has come up a few times. i don't discriminate- i pretty much dislike everyone. i realize that my lambasting the south and the midwest comes off as snobby and sanctimonius- well, i guess that can't be helped. i feel snobby and sanctimonius when it comes to people like jerry falwell, bob dole, dick cheney- the south dakotan state government, the minnesotan state government, the kansas school boards, jeb bush, katherine harris, etc. what i am saying is that the states get the government that they want- the people of those states vote these people in. if you don't vote or you vote for the opposition- well, sorry to lump you in.

as for why i get to have an opinion in the first place- i earned it. i grew up poor and that gives me a perspective that is probably different than many people in america. my mother worked her ass off as a single mom for years. we lived on $100 a week or less and had to budget for everything. my father is an alcoholic and we never saw any of his money- and had to put up with his abuse on top of that. my family did not qualify for welfare or food stamps or any 'handouts' because we owned our 5 room converted chicken coop of a shack. i wore the same clothes to school from year to year and hand me downs from my cousins got me through high school. my mother nearly killed herself to put me through college- and guess what? i worked my way through. i am still paying off student loans.

why am i giving you a bio? because i earned my vocabulary and my opinion and my stereotyping. i have worked in human services and retail. i worked as a janitor for a few months as well. i worked in manufacturing and i worked in a supervisory role at a girl's group home. i led my division of a 6 county homeless/runaway and at-risk youth program. so, i have hobnobbed with the upper crust and i have been there with the have nots. i chose to make my own way in this world and i earned what i have.

you can agree or disagree with my opinions- but you cannot say that i don't know all sides of the argument.


billie said...

thank you for your kind words glenda. my lovely assistant sophie told me that i overreacted and that i should not let personal stuff creep into the blog. she said i should stay on message to defeat the neocons. i told her that i agreed but that unlike her, i am a human being and prone to fits of pique. at any rate, i am thankful to my mother who raised me to believe that i can be anyone i choose and believe whatever i choose. i see your mom did too.

No said...

Good post.

No said...

Neocons..I've seen the term posted twice..what?

No said...

woops..learned something yet again.