Monday, May 01, 2006

more on mexico...

my mother was most upset that no one is asking pertinent questions about the illegal immigrants from south of the border. such as- why are they protesting the lack of jobs in the united states when they should be protesting the lack of jobs in mexico? why are they allowed to congregate and protest without being arrested- in such vast numbers- when american citizens are forced to rally behind barricades with police guarding them? how the hell are so many able to cross the border seemingly at will?

now, i don't begrudge these folks basic human rights- but i think she has some valid questions. anyone have any answers?


Anonymous said...

I agree that the problem lies with the Mexican government not offering a decent standard of living forcing citizens to cross the border to the US for a better lifestyle, but many of these workers contribute to the American we know and love today. They should be recognized in some way, they are no longer just "some minority group". I believe the Census data shows that in 5 years, almost 35 or 40% of the US population will be Hispanic or from Hispanic origin. Given that there are no clear "racial" lines anymore, we shouldnt view Mexicans any differently than we do the Irish, German, Europeans who came to the US 50-100 years ago seeking the same opportunities. If anything, we should just legalize them and get over our desire to be "prectionist" (protectionist of what, as it stands America outsources half its crap to INDIA and we dont seem to complain about that!!)

-a NYer

billie said...

i am certainly not begrudging these folks anything. i think that the whole immigration process should be streamlined to allow people who want work visas or citizenship to not have to jump through so many hoops. my problem is the fact that these folks are illegal. the european immigrants, the asian immigrants, any immigrants who come here- even political assylum folks- all go through the proper channels. lets get these folks legal or work visas- and then move forward. i hear what they are saying.

billie said...

wonder why that is never in the mainstream media? people here have the impression that these people are just poor and greedy for american jobs. more people should know what kind of government is in bed with 'w'.