Monday, June 22, 2009

rainy days and mondays

the sun is finally shining here for a bit- perhaps the soggy ground will dry out. ran across a couple of newsy gems this morning- thought i would share. it's a little dose of reality to go with the cream in the cuppa :)

christian republicans (ha ha) believe 'hunger can be a powerful motivator' to find a job

chris hedges always the truth teller- iran had a democracy before america took it away

brits tackling a tough issue- euthanasia

on that note- off to get another cuppa...

1 comment:

jmsjoin said...

I have to laugh you have such wonderful subjects. Republican Christians what the hell are they worth?
Lucky you! It seems like it has rained for a month straight. All my Petunias in the pots out front rotted.
I doubt if we'll get any corn this year but oddly enough except for the friggen slugs munching on my Brussel Sprouts that also almost drowned everything else is great. It is pouring right now but We are supposed to see the sun Wednesday.