Friday, May 16, 2008

inquiring minds want to know

"An anti-war Democratic congressman is demanding to know why there were uniformed Defense Department personnel watching House proceedings from a public gallery Thursday, who they were and what they were doing."

yeah, me too. because they weren't representing winter soldiers


Larry said...

What were they doing practicing intimidation, or scouting where the militia troops should be stationed once Martial Law is enforced.

Anonymous said...

Good find, Betmo!

I gave you a link and kudos at And, yes, I DO take it personally.

Anonymous said...

Soldiers entering the city. Isn't this how the first Roman Republic became a dictatorship?

Why don't the generals visit when domestic spending budgets are being debated or voted on? You know, the ones with the smaller price tags, that aren't going to help the public either.

The Future Was Yesterday said...

It was probably the first time they'd ever actually proved to themselves that shadowy ghost called a congress actually did exist@

landsker said...

Hi Betmo,
The incident to which The Beltway Basard refers, came to be known as "The crossing of the Rubicon", and indeed concerns the moment in 49BC, when the Roman militaries led by Julius Caesar, advanced on Rome.
The Rubicon was a small river, the militaries were not allowed to cross its` path or enter the city of Rome.
The republic of Rome then became transformed into a militarised empire, which made a select few families very rich, but eventually it fell apart, as seems to be the fate of the current Anglo-american "empire".
Maybe the generals were just working out how many troops it would take to close down the congress.

enigma4ever said...

they were monitoring the Extremists and Radicals...