Wednesday, April 23, 2008

ok- here goes

i am tired. bone achingly tired. but i cannot stay silent any longer. i am taking a deep breath and i swear i am going to try to say this nicely... oh screw it!

if you are a hillary clinton supporter- you are stupider than any republican on the fu**ing planet. should i repeat that slower so that you get it?

since i have already voted in my primary, i have tried my damnedest to not get into a lather about politics- because this election, is fairly meaningless. what you don't seem to be getting here- this isn't politics as usual. i don't even know why i am wasting my time typing this. it isn't about white or black- it isn't about misogyny- it's about who the fuck will put some brakes on the continuing erosion of civil liberties in this country. look folks- get your head out of your assholes here. the reason hillary clinton is 'winning' in more states is what is called 'crossover voting'- even the msm talks about it. let me explain it very carefully for you- that's where republicans go and register to vote as a democrat in the democratic primaries. yeah- i don't get why they can do it either- but all you have to do is listen to rove- who was talking about it on fox today or the fatster himself- the self proclaimed leader of 'operation chaos' himself- limbaugh. look at the voting numbers and look at the states clinton 'won'- take a look at the fact that she is campaigning so dirty against a fellow democrat- and you can see that she is not a democrat.

oh- and fyfi- i am from new york- upstate new york- and i can tell you- she has done precisely shit for new york state. precisely shit- in spite of all of the promises for jobs and healthcare and blah, fucking, blah. so please- spare me how wonderful she is. how much she does for working families and women. i can attest that we haven't received any of her campaign promises. nope. so when you are all puffed up and feeling groovy about the fact that clinton took pennsylvania- the state that voted for rick santorum- keep it to yourself. you are the biggest reason that the republicans will win in november. oh- and another fyi- if you bothered to listen to the right once in awhile instead of gloating at the digs clinton lobs at obama- you would know that they want a mccain and clinton matchup- because they don't feel they can beat obama.

so- screw you all for squandering any opportunity we may have had to at least staunch the flow of blood that the neo cons have let over the last 15 years or so. just go out and pat yourselves right the fuck on the back and keep believing that another clinton term will be wonderful.


Faded said...

Whew! All kinds of people on rants today...

This stuff should be obvious. If you are a progressive, then you should not be supporting Hillary. I know about ten bloggers who are, but I truly don't know why- except they like that she's a fighter. Yeah, and Dubya's a Cowboy...


Dave Dubya said...


Far too many Clinon supporters are either over excited fanatics who think they will "make history", or those desparate souls who believe the Clintons are not really republicans.

John Good said...

I think I love you. ;)

Seriously, ME TOO!!

Lady Freethought said...

HAHA! Awesome!