Tuesday, September 04, 2007


proof positive that i need to do some serious something. i had no idea that today was tuesday- except that i did know that it was tuesday- but i forgot to post at the sirens. sorry ladies :( proof to me that we need to boycott summer all the way around. august is my least favorite month and i must have gotten caught up in the fact that it is now september. yeah!!!! except- that we are due to get the western hot front at the end of the week. sorry guys in california and parts west- i don't mean to sound ungrateful- but you can keep it! hope all had a nice long weekend- we are working on unclogging the bathroom sink- and hubby got to buy a snake. i am sure he is shitfully delighted at buying a new tool. we picked some colors to paint the living room and i decided i was going to go ahead and strip the woodwork down because the archway came out so nice. see what getting new furniture does for your living arrangement? gives you lots more projects :) enjoy!


Larry said...

Sounds like you need to let your husband do the work so you can concentrate on something more important.

Napping and blogging!

Anon-Paranoid said...

Gee and here it is already Wednesday.

Have your hubby be careful using the snake. The maintenance guys at work had theres get stuck and broke off in the toilet. Now they had too tear up the floor to get the broken piece out.

Take care and ...

God Bless.

The Future Was Yesterday said...

At the beginning of my second marriage, I bought a house, my first. It was in nice shape, except for one enrance way from the (detached) garage. That thing was purely awful! I went over there one day, tool pail in one hand, gallon of paint in the other. ready to make it the envy of the free world.:) My new neighbor came over with a couple of beers, inroduced himself, gave me one, and said "If you fix this all up, I'm telling you right now, she's gonna want the whole house overhauled. That's just the way the world works."

I thought it over, and decided he was right. So I pulled a few nails from the walls the previous owner had used to hang things up, sanded the bare wood, put on a sealer, and called it home. His advice worked like a champ!:) My wife went ga ga, did her rearranging the furniture fifty times thing, and was happy! Moral: Never ever make one part of the house look better than the other!:)

If Hubby gets that snake caught in the drain and can't get it out (a not so uncommon occurance), don't look for him to be so shitfully happy!:)

enigma4ever said...

Projects and summer...and needing more time for having a Real summer...yup..been there done that....hang in there...good for you....projects are medicinal...good for the soul...

WeezieLou said...

the last new furniture we got was a new toilet. woo-hoo!