Thursday, April 05, 2007

it has occurred to me...

lately that there is a reason that obama and edwards are doing so well against- well any rebthug candidate out there- and clinton. hillary is too much of a cozy conservative for the left for one thing. as for the rethugs- i think folks in america are hungry for a change. we had 12 years of disastrous domestic policies under reagan/bush then we were saddled with 12 years of disastrous policies all around with the rethug congress and bushlite. i think folks at the very least are hungry for---integrity. yes, a little bit of integrity. so far, the rethugs have been pulling out all of the stops to smear obama and edwards- and they have resorted to calling obama a 'rookie'; attempting to paint his church as anti american and racist; and oh boy- he smokes. edwards apparently loves politics more than god- even though it was his wife's decision to continue with the campaign- and oh- they have a big house. uh huh.

perhaps they should take a magnifying glass to their own candidates. americans are tired of arrogant, 'we know better than you' rhetoric and they have seen what it has done to the country. there isn't a day that goes by that there isn't some scandal or whiff of corruption coming out of the right side of things. now, don't get me wrong- the left is certainly not squeaky clean- but at this point, any more time spent under rethug, neo con "governance" would be a mistake. as it is, it is going to take generations to even start undoing what they have done- and i just don't think that this country will ever really recover. sad.


DivaJood said...

Ah, Betmo, I am supporting Obama because he gives me hope. I like Edwards, but he's a little more centerist than the centerist Obama - but I would be happy with either of them.

As for the cynical arrogance of the present administration, I agree - it will take a long time to recover from the damage they've done. The "holy war" alone is a 500 year crusade in the early stages - they've created so much hatred toward Americans from Islamic fundamentalists that we will be fighting this religious war for centuries.

But the environment, that is a deeper tragedy still. Because if they destroy our earth, where will those of us who are not oil billionares go? They've got Halliburton building condos on the Moon, and Mars, and we're stuck here choking.

Unknown said...

If we can recover from Vietnam, the over 58,000 dead, the social revolt of the time, not to mention Watergate, we can recover from this mess.

You and I will probably be dead before that happens, but I believe we will recover, and hopefully we will learn from it. Yet after Vietnam, I wonder if this generation had learned anything. When Iraq started, almost 90% supported Bush.

The Future Was Yesterday said...

it is going to take generations to even start undoing what they have done- and i just don't think that this country will ever really recover.
That's certainly true!! Whoever the next President is, if they even give a half assed effort, is facing an insurmountable task. I'd like to believe in Obama, Edwards, et al. The problem for me, is campaigns are "problem lite" - long on promises, very short on details. Further, seekers of our house of all stripes have promised the moon for decades....and given us the outhouse.

John Good said...

America's ready for someone new to fall in love with. . .the Gross Old Perverts only offer up more of the same - old white men with checkered pasts. Barak Obama is the clearest break from the norm, with Clinton at least being the first truly viable female candidate. No wonder they nearly tied in first quarter fundraising!

There's not a Democrat running that I would be unhappy with this election. . .

(My top two choices aren't even in - Gore and Feingold,just FYI)

Sornie said...

Not that I have any aspirations to be a politician but being that all politics starts locally and is local, the thought has crossed my mind to get more involved beyond talking and start regularly attending city council meetings and eventually get myself on the city council. It's small but to me it would be something. See, your post got me thinking and might make one guy take some action and actions speak louder than words.