Wednesday, March 07, 2007

blogroll highlight

i am really glad that i decided to do this (pat, pat on the back) because it so difficult for me to ever choose only one or two folks to read daily- and i end up spending an hour just reading. here's last week's picks

now- for this week's picks:

uncommon sense- common sense to headline news

is america burning?- those folks over there have heart!

one pissed off veteran- someone who truly does support the troops

poetic justice- using art and beauty to combat war and ugliness

spocko's brain- real world activism taking down hate media

cap'n dyke pirate queen and rogue blogger- smorgasboard of original material and fun stuff

intrepid flame- introspection, art, and much more

for whom the bell tolls- girl power!

an american aries- interactive fun stuff, sports, fashion, the works!

little purple fooshballs- unabashed left wing humor at the expense of the right


Anonymous said...

I love yer new look, Me Inigo Betmo!

Sarah said...

Thank you very much : )

Naj said...

:) I still wonder what blogroll means :)

spocko said...

Whoo Hoo! Now I'm going to have to read these fine folks!

I'm a terrible blogroller. What can I say, I blame my human half.

Did you know that Little Green Footballs is slang for hand grenades?

I didn't know until a friend told me what it meant.

billie said...

thanks cap'n- ye be me inspiration!

sarah- it's about time someone recognized you publically over there.

n- i was talking about my lists of blogs i link to on the right in the sidebar. almost like a roll call of bloggers :)

spocko man- you have let the genie out of the bottle and good things are starting to happen! no- i didn't know about the footballs- but given the militaristic bent to the rethugs- it doesn't surprise me one whit!

Mark Prime (tpm/Confession Zero) said...

Thank you for the mention my friend. Peace.

UncommonSense said...

Thanks, Bet! Nice to be appreciated.

Donnie McDaniel said...

Long live Little Purple Fooshballs! Thanks Betmo, glad to see you enjoy the funnies.

Anonymous said...

A low bow an' flourish o' me piratical chapeau, Me Dear Lady.