Tuesday, May 30, 2006

a new reason to avoid organized religion

you say pentacle- i'll say debacle- and let's call the whole thing off. give the man his freakin' headstone already.


Dardin Soto said...

you think the wheels of Government move slow for this? ... wait until someone gets on the bandwagon to remove "In God we Trust" from our currency..... that will take 2 centuries.

The Future Was Yesterday said...

"You can believe anything you wish - as long as I agree with it." Like Henry Ford's black cars, this adminisration is one choice, and one choice only.

Spadoman said...

Personally, I wouldn't give them, (the VA and the government), the respect of my son or daughters body in their freakin' cemetery.

What a crock of crapola! I thought we were fighting for freedom?