Tuesday, May 30, 2006

nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah....

you aren't my friend today. that was the first thought i had when i read that iran wouldn't speak directly to the us- but is going through greece to relay messages. can't we all grow up?


Dardin Soto said...

hmmm... i think we should all get involved in this hi-stakes gamesmanship. Since I dont agree with you, I will send a posting to Publius, who can send it to Ellie, how can send it to Sappho, who can seld it to you. That way , we can all know what it is to behave like children :)... i could not agree with you more. We live in a world where saving face is more important than saving lives.

Dardin Soto said...

ooops.. sorry about the spelling polio. My fingers were faster than my brain :)

Frank Partisan said...

It seems surreal, that the US/UK and Israel, have invasion contingencies.

At my blog, my team member Iranian socialist Maryam Namazie, has a manifesto against both imperialism and Islamism.


billie said...

i'm going to say that the iraq plan was so stupid- it has bush written all over it. it is just very difficult to take these people seriously after all of the lies and misleading information they have fed to us.