Wednesday, May 31, 2006

good riddance to bad rubbish

too bad it is just grandstanding. the justice department led by alberto gonzalez continuously oversteps its bounds. i wouldn't mind if he resigned- he has done nothing but obstruct justice and make a mockery of the constitution. of course that is par for the course with the current administration. anyway, we wouldn't be lucky enough for 'real' resignations. we just get reshuffles.

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

I think the thing that bothers me most about Alberto - and excuse me while I fend off white supremacist conservatives saying I hate brown people because I don't support Gonzalez - is the fact that he doesn't seem to understand that he is the UNITED STATES attorney general, NOT the Bush attorney general.

The greater general public, at least the Bush-supporting public, doesn't quite seem to get this. He's not appointed to work for the the president, it's the country he's supposed to work for.